IT'S TIME TO GO WHERE BUYERS LIVE. The world is changing. People spend more time on the Internet. Make sure your business finds them there! AND PASSIONATE SKILLED IN WHAT WE DO LEARN MORE SA'S POPI ACT R U COMPLIANT? WE CAN HELP YOU! REQUEST A QUOTE mouse


With affordable monthly packages this is a perfect option for a start-up Business or Project to get a whole lot of value and still be able to afford it.



If you want to save some money have a look at our ONCE-OFF package which is an affordable alternative to our monthly packages.



The world is changing fast and you are guaranteed to lose out on sales if your shop isn’t geared for online purchases.


Web Development
We’ve got you covered from start to finish! From registering a domain, hosting your website, launching your website and maintaining your website to keep it healthy and in a good working order. We ensure that we get the best results for your website by taking the time to understand your business, your customers and what you are trying to achieve.
SEO – Search Engines
Google processes billions of searches per day, so you can be pretty sure that someone is looking for your services. A well designed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign helps your business benefit from these searches, which your competition may be getting. Talk to us so that we can get top results for you.
Social Media Marketing
Jenix web solutions help businesses of all sizes with their Social Media and Online Presence. Social media management consists of both the creation of beautifully thought-out content, as well as the management of your social media accounts. We manage numerous Social Media Platforms on your behalf.
Looking for a custom solution for your next project?
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